Healing-Cancer-World-Summit-2012-Night-2 Dr. FRANCISCO CONTERAS
2012-12-12 02:39:24 GMT
Healing Cancer World Summit 20 Alternative Treatments Cancer Cure Cure Disease Essiac Food and Cancer Genetics Gerson Heal Cancer Healing Health Heart Herb Herbs Herbal Medicinal Medicine Natural Supp

Everything you want to know about healing cancer naturally.

A five part series and two or more bonuses parts - all coming soon I promise!

Part one: http://thepiratebay10.xyz/torrent/7872388/Healing-Cancer-World-Summit-2012-Night-1__KRIS_CARR_and_DR._NICH

Together these 5 parts cover all current natural and semi natural methods that are working. Interviewed are the doctors and health professionals leading the way.

I also include a notepad file with some info on where to get supplies.

Good luck!

Generic info: Meet the Doctors, Nutritionists and Advocates Who Say Cancer May Be Treated Successfully and Naturally - Without Excessive Use of Drugs, Surgery, Radiation and Chemotherapy

IN THIS UNIQUE PROGRAM YOU'LL ALSO DISCOVER... The therapies these doctors and experts are using that they say can prevent and even treat cancers naturally. The cancer fighting herbs and supplements that are scientifically known to prevent cancer - many of which you can buy in your local supermarket (no matter where you live!) Scientific and documented proof that natural cancer treatments work and why. Learn how to detoxify and cleanse the body naturally... and safely. Why many people have no idea these treatments exist and why these doctors are risking their careers to do help people heal. Amazing stories of patients who have been healed naturally and are still thriving today. How - in some cases - drugs, chemotherapy, surgery and radiation can cause side effects that may be worse than the cancer itself. Simple and affordable ways to prevent cancer and many other diseases using natural, tested methods. And much more!

Gomagnet 2023.
The data comes from Pirate Bay.