Abraham-Hicks 2012-11-17 Video+mp3 LIVE 3-hr Broadcast
This is Abraham LIVE stream Video capture via Internet in FLV format, which was broadcasted real-time from Dallas, TX on November 17, 2012. Included in this torrent are:
- Chapterized Videos in .mp4 format.
- Titled Sound tracks as MP3 files
- 'Compact Mobile Videos' (cmv), which are smaller size files that can be also played on mobile unit such as a smart phone or PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)
- m4b file for iPods.
- Links_to_ALL_Torrents.html - WebPage with list of Abraham-Hicks torrents.
For more Abraham-Hicks Torrents information visit: http://koti.welho.com/walkusko/Abraham-Hicks_Torrents/ http://pages.videotron.com/abeallow/index.htm
This torrent is from the Abraham-Hicks Sharing Community. Our intention as a Community is to help one another to get all of the Abraham’s material, particularly the latest. We as a group and as individuals buy it and share it, in any way we can (mainly via Torrents, DropBox, SugarSync, WeTransfer)...
Remember that the SEEDERS are the backbone of Abraham-Hicks Torrents!
Titled Sound tracks in MP3:
Session 1 1-01 Abraham opens the Dallas Workshop 1-02 How can he more consciously rendezvous with synchronicities 1-03 What about conscious rendezvous with animals too 1-04 What about contact with those who have died 1-05 His daughter receives all that she asks 1-06 How did the very financially successful become so 1-07 She doesn't like the idea of reincarnation, being without her kids 1-08 Stock broker starts asking a question about sex
Session 2 2-01 Former stock broker life is all perfect except relationships 2-02 Was Jerry's goal to expand the material 2-03 Why does Abraham-Hicks Publications try to stop people sharing the material online for free 2-04 The Roller Coaster from worry to bliss is too much 2-05 What to do when the worry happens 2-06 How did Sarah fly in the book, how do I get there 2-07 He is a little psychic, why did he pick up on those things 2-08 She wants more personal interaction with her inner being
Session 3 3-01 How can he help heal his PTSD son and stroked wife 3-02 Finding the balance of aging and declining 3-03 The true cycle and patterns of economics 3-04 How can he sooth his clients about the economy 3-05 Everything always works out, but always at the last minute 3-06 She witnessed a car accident, but couldn't help them 3-07 Who and what are The Watchers written about in scriptures 3-08 About the collective and the Shadow self 3-09 How to help his heroin addicted son 3-10 Abraham closes the Dallas workshop
Abraham, Jerry and Esther Hicks http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php