This four-issue miniseries published by Marvel Comics in 2000 features the origins of the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club, a group of villains introduced by Chris Claremont and John Byrne in 1980. Emma Frost, the Inner Circle's White Queen, had already become a main character in the series Generation X, but would become a key member of Grant Morrison's NEW X-MEN in 2001, the year after X-MEN: HELLFIRE CLUB was published.
Written by Ben Raab, the X-MEN: HELLFIRE CLUB miniseries featured the art of Charlie Adlard, who would become the longtime artist on THE WALKING DEAD. (He has drawn issues #7 to #104 to date.) HELLFIRE CLUB is not only a chance to see interior art by Adlard in full color, it's one of just three Adlard projects did for Marvel.
The cover of the first issue, probably as a sales gimmick, was drawn by Adam Kubert. Adlard pencils and inks #1-4 and covers on #2-4.
I enjoyed this miniseries, but I don't have the ability to summarize the complicated story. I can say it weaves through Marvel history with appearances including a Colonial-era Captain America, Dormammu, Archangel, Union Jack, Sage (as Tessa) and the Sentinels. Some woman who's probably Jean Grey's great-grandma is introduced, as is the shapeshifting, bisexual dad of Sebastian Shaw. No kidding!
Oh, and I dedicate this torrent to the douchebag on TPB who commented that Adlard's most recent art "sucks balls." ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE ORIGINAL SCANNER!