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This book is the first volume that provides an unique overview of the most recent and relevant contributions in the field of mathematical physics with a focus on the mathematical features of quantum mechanics. It is a collection of review papers together with brand new works related to the activities of the INdAM Intensive Period "INdAM Quantum Meetings (IQM22)", which took place at the Politecnico di Milano in Spring 2022 at Politecnico di Milano. The range of topics covered by the book is wide, going ranging from many-body quantum mechanics to semiclassical analysis, quantum field theory, Schrödinger and Dirac operators and open quantum systems Preface Semiclassical Analysis Waves in a Random Medium: Endpoint Strichartz Estimates and Number Estimates On the Semiclassical Regularity of Thermal Equilibria Quasi-Classical Spin Boson Models Some Remarks on Semi-classical Analysis on Two-Step Nilmanifolds Operator Theory Spectral Asymptotics for Two-Dimensional Dirac Operators in Thin Waveguides Topological Polarization in Disordered Systems Quadratic Forms for Aharonov-Bohm Hamiltonians Some Remarks on the Regularized Hamiltonian for Three Bosons with Contact Interactions On the Magnetic Laplacian with a Piecewise Constant Magnetic Field in Quantum Systems at the Brink Lowest Eigenvalue Asymptotics in Strong Magnetic Fields with Interior Singularities Effective Nonlinear Models Invariant Measures as Probabilistic Tools in the Analysis of Nonlinear ODEs and PDEs Two Comments on the Derivation of the Time-Dependent Hartree–Fock Equation Derivation of the Gross-Pitaevskii Theory for Interacting Fermions in a Trap