Genre: Documentary, Space, Adventure Director: John D. Boswell Narrated by: Matt Klinman IMDB: Plot: If you could visit anywhere in the galaxy, where would you go? This film will send you on a tour of the wildest planets humanity has yet discovered: worlds that defy belief, from planetary oases to scorching hot gas giants with clouds made of metal. This interstellar journey will give us a glimpse into how deep nature's imagination goes.. and blaze a path for future pioneers, who might one day plant their flags on landscapes we can hardly imagine.
-----Video----- Container: WebM Format: VP9 Duration: 30 mins 42 s Overall bit rate: 8 566 kb/s Resolution: 3840x2160 Aspect ratio: 16:9 Frame rate: 24 FPS Bit depth: 8 bits
-----Audio----- Format: Opus Codec: A_OPUS Channels: 2 Channel layout: L R Sample rate: 48 kHz Bit depth: 32 bits Compression mode: Lossy Language: English
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