Li H. Principle and Applications of Blockchain Systems...2025
2025-01-18 10:17:16 GMT
23.52 MiB (24666147 Bytes)

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Technical theory, key technologies, and practical applications for consortium blockchains, with a solution to the CAP trilemma problem. Principles and Applications of Blockchain Systems provides a comprehensive introduction to consortium blockchains, including the physical, network, consensus, and contract layers, covering technical theory, key technologies, and practical applications. Beyond the technical side, this book visually showcases the application potential of consortium blockchains, with information on implementation cases in network management (Multi-Identifier System) and secure storage (Mimic Distributed Storage System). This book thoroughly addresses the CAP trilemma problem for consortium blockchains, a major barrier to scalability, by presenting a novel quantifiable impossibility triangle with a solution. Additionally, optimization techniques in consortium blockchains, such as P2P protocols for future networks and consensus algorithms, are discussed in detail. Written by two highly qualified academics with significant experience in the field, Principles and Applications of Blockchain Systems discusses sample topics such as. Preface Introduction Fundamentals of Blockchain Physical Topology in Blockchain P2P Network in Blockchain Blockchain Consensus Smart Contract and Its Security in Blockchain Multi-Identifier System Based on Large-Scale Consortium Blockchain Integrating Consortium Blockchain and Mimic Security in Distributed Storage System Quantum Blockchain and Its Potential Applications Practical Application of Large-Scale Blockchain Discussion Questi

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