The Wild Robot is a 2024 American animated science fiction action-adventure drama film produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Universal Pictures. Based on the 2016 novel of the same name by Peter Brown, it was written for the screen and directed by Chris Sanders and features the voices of Lupita Nyong'o, Pedro Pascal, Kit Connor, Bill Nighy, Stephanie Hsu, Mark Hamill, Catherine O'Hara, Matt Berry, and Ving Rhames. The film follows Roz (Nyong'o), a service robot shipwrecked on an uninhabited island who must adapt to her surroundings, build relationships with the local wildlife, and become the adoptive mother of an orphaned goose, Brightbill (Connor).
MPEG-H HEVC Video / 63,810 kbps / 2160p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / Main 10 @ Level 5.1 @ High / 4:2:0 / 10 bits / HDR10 / Limited Range / BT.2020 / PQ / BT.2020 non-constant / Mastering display color primaries: Display P3 / Mastering display luminance: min: 0.0050 cd/m2, max: 4000.0000 cd /m2 / Maximum Content Light Level: 1000 cd / m2 / Maximum Frame-Average Light Level: 397 cd/m2
- Video: MPEG-H HEVC Video / 7,970 kbps / 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / Main 10 @ Level 5.1 @ High / 4:2:0 / 10 bits / Dolby Vision / Limited Range / BT.2020 / PQ / BT.2020 non-constant / Mastering display color primaries: Display P3 / Mastering display luminance: min: 0.0050 cd/m2, max: 4000.0000 cd/m2
1: English / Dolby TrueHD/Atmos Audio / 7.1 / 48 kHz / 3248 kbps / 16-bit (AC3 Embedded: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps / DN -27dB) 2: Spanish / Dolby Digital Plus Audio / 7.1/48kHz/ 768 kbps / DN -27dB (AC3 Embedded: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps / DN -27dB) 3: French / Dolby Digital Plus Audio / 7.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / DN -27dB (AC3 Embedded: 5.1 / 48 kHz /448kbps/dn -27dB) 4: English / Dolby Digital Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -27dB
Subtitle: English / 40.84 kbps Subtitle: Spanish / 33.88 kbps Subtitle: French / 33.40 kbps Subtitle: Spanish / 0.29 kbps Subtitle: French / 0.47 kbps