Genre: Dark Comedy / Satire Length: 01:38:47 IMDB: Director: Larry Charles Stars: Sacha Baron Cohen / Sayed Badreya / Liam Campora Plot: For years, the fictional East African republic of Wadiya (shown in the map as coterminous with the boundaries of real-life Eritrea) has been ruled by ruthless dictator Omar Aladeen, and later succeeded by his son Admiral-General Haffaz Aladeen, a childish, sexist, anti-Western, and antisemitic dictator who surrounds himself with female bodyguards, sponsors terrorism (especially giving shelter to al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden after "they killed his double"), changes many words in the Wadiyan dictionary to "Aladeen", and is working on developing nuclear weapons to "destroy Israel". He also refuses to sell Wadiya's oil fields, a promise he made to his father before his death. After the United Nations Security Council resolves to intervene militarily, Aladeen travels to the UN Headquarters in New York City to address the council.
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