Smith Micro Poser Pro 2012 SR3.1 v9.0.3.23027 Update Incl Keymaker-CORE
Dive In to the World of Digital Art and 3D Animation
Poser Pro 2012 is the fastest way for professional artists and production teams to add pre-rigged and fully textured 3D characters to their projects. With over 3GB of included content libraries and richly varied third party Poser content, Poser Pro 2012 is the perfect link between professional production tools and ready to use 3D character assets, saving development time and resources.
iNSTALL/REGiSTER NOTES : Install notes when registering Poser:
- Enter any name, doesn't matter
- Untick "I would like to receive periodic communications from..."
- Untick "Submit Registration Online"
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