John Boy and Billy Complete Discography 25 CDs
2024-11-16 22:46:11 GMT
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John Boy & Billy Complete Discography 1988-2008

JB&B 1988 - Economically Priced First Album JB&B 1990 - Head Cleaner JB&B 1991 - Straight, White & Southern JB&B 1992 - Big Ol' Hairy Album JB&B 1993 - Two For The Show JB&B 1994 - Love Ya... Mean It JB&B 1994 - Southern Exposure JB&B 1996 - Christmas Album JB&B 1996 - Dixie Diner JB&B 1997 - A Barrel of Laughs JB&B 1997 - Silly Season JB&B 1998 - Rocket Science JB&B 1999 - Country Race Tracks JB&B 1999 - Radioland JB&B 1999 - Rockin' Race Tracks JB&B 2000 - Freakshow JB&B 2000 - Nerve-Wrackin' Christmas Part 2 JB&B 2001 - Best of Twenty JB&B 2002 - Rough Cuts JB&B 2005 - Big Ol' Hairy Christmas JB&B 2006 - Potted Meat JB&B 2007 - American Goobers JB&B 2007 - Potted Meat Rides Again JB&B 2008 - Ike at the Mike JB&B 2008 - Songs We Love To Sing

Thumbnails at pixnstuff dot com/rustyzipper/misc/jbb_index3.jpg


Here we have the complete discography of John Boy & Billy, an early morning drive time radio duo out of Charlotte, North Carolina. Redneck Radio, they call it. The Big Show. I used to listen to them and laugh out loud when I lived back that way thirty years ago. It's just plain funny with a huge cast of characters delivering comedy skits, stories, news bits, impersonations and not just a few good-natured lies. They also do several surprisingly talented songs, and all this in a network that grew to over 100 stations nationwide. They're still on the air today but they stopped making CDs back in 2008.

These CDs were very hard to find. I got every one of these rascals one at a time, over a long time. The last one I needed to complete the collection had gone nearly fifteen years without a single hit from the watches I had in place on the two big auction sites. When it finally came up late last year I hurt myself making the buy! I put this set together with a lot of TLC, including 300dpi scans of everything but the cellophane. Needless to say, I'm a BIG fan :)

Have a glance at their Wikipedia page:

Based on that, and my own exhaustive searching for many years, I believe these 25 CDs represent everything that John Boy & Billy ever released commercially. There are two more CDs under Wish List but they were no doubt free promos, given out to various radio stations long ago, and we'll likely never see them turn up.

Country Race Tracks and Rockin' Race Tracks do not actually feature JB&B but I've included them because they bear the JB&B brand. Naturally, being southern rednecks, JB&B are NASCAR fans. I think it's the law down there. The content of these 2 CDS is mainstream music, mostly racing themed, the sort of thing they played on their radio show. There are also a couple of wifi radio conversations between drivers and their pit crews, including... Nope! Not gonna tell ya!

Songs We Love To Sing is also comprised of songs, but they're songs that JB&B wrote and perform. Allow me to recommend The Bristol Song as an appetizer.

I edited every track of the Rough Cuts album. Each one had a WKRP effect of tuning across the dial, static and noise and partial clips, and I just hated that, so I cleaned them up. I've also included the unedited versions in a subdirectory.

Southern Exposure, Dixie Diner, A Barrel of Laughs and Radioland are not my rips. I found them in a torrent on TPB many years ago (thanks to the OP way back then, whoever and wherever you are). I've listened to them a dozen times and they're as good as my own rips would have been so I didn't bother to rip them myself, but I do own all of the CDs so I was able to scan the artwork for them along with all the rest.

RustyZipper February, 2024

Gomagnet 2023.
The data comes from Pirate Bay.