Haunted Halls: Revenge of Dr.Blackmore CE (2012) PC [ENG]
============================================ Description: =
Haunted Halls: Revenge of Dr. Blackmore continues your adventures of trying to best the evil Dr. Blackmore and save your fiance Tim. This time you awake in a strange lab in which you find Dr. Blackmore has captured you along with other hostages. It is up to you to save them all and rescue Tim once more (Tim can’t seem to stay out of trouble).It seems like trouble follows you wherever you go. This time, it starts as soon as you enter the strange hospital; right after Tim disappears yet again. You will learn of Blackmore’s evil plans, he will prey on your worst fears and exploit them as best he can by running a series of experiments. Will you be able to escape his claws?
============================================ The Collectors Edition includes: =
- Bonus gameplay
- Full soundtrack
- Wallpapers and concept art
- Integrated Strategy Guide
============================================ Screenshots: =
http://picbug.ru/share-8982_50674627.html http://picbug.ru/share-2F20_50674627.html http://picbug.ru/share-9817_50674627.html http://picbug.ru/share-B924_50674627.html