Sabayon is a Gentoo-based GNU/Linux distribution which follows the works-out-of-the-box philosophy, aiming to give the user a wide number of applications that are ready for use and a self-configured operating system. Sabayon offers the user an easy-to-use workspace with a captivating look, good hardware detection and a large number of up-to-date software packages installed by default, with additional software available from a repository. Sabayon is available in several flavors featuring respectively the KDE, GNOME, LXDE, Xfce and Enlightenment desktop environments.
In Sabayon 10: Linux Kernel 3.5.4 with BFQ iosched, KDE 4.9 (4.9.1 available in days), LibreOffice 3.6 are just some of the things you will find inside the box. Gentoo Hardened kernels, Improved Rigo -- a new way of browsing and installing Applications, more ZFS integration work, Mesa 9 stack, Amazon EC2 support, Infinality Freetype patches, and much more.