Project Giana (2012) PC [ENG] DEMO
============================================ Description: =
Project Giana is the grandchild of The Great Giana Sisters, a Super Mario Bros clone made by the now-deceased founder of our company in the eighties. Of course, Nintendo didn’t like that, and the sisters got pulled off the shelves. That’s ancient history now, and, in an ironic twist, a legit Giana game was released for the DS in 2009. That was a pretty awesome move from Nintendo, and we’re grateful!
Giana is a girl of polar opposites, trapped in a fractured dream of rainbows and shadows. Harkening back to the 80’s Great Giana Sisters, Project Giana pulls you into a phantasmagorical adventure of contrasting themes underscored with music produced by Chris Hülsbeck and Machinae Supremacy – classic Giana tunes flow into metal riffs and back again as you switch between dream and nightmare.
============================================ Instructions: =
- Install
- Play
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