Kothari V. Probiotics, Prebiotics,Synbiotics,and Postbiotics...Human Health 2023
2024-07-15 16:10:13 GMT
10.98 MiB (11513338 Bytes)

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This book explains the potential value of microbiome and microbiome composition associated with human health and diseases. The opening chapters describe the current state of knowledge regarding the human microbiome structure, function, and diversity. The mechanisms of action and the various putative uses of human microbiome are then examined specific to healthy and disease conditions. Readers will find detailed information on its manipulation of human microbiome studies as well as its applied and translational aspects in the current field. The latest knowledge on probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, and postbiotics is presented, and specific cases to date are discussed. This book features knowledge from leading researchers working on different aspects of the human microbiome and its manipulation for better health. Overall, this book is an excellent source for microbiome researchers and students from all levels seeking the most up-to-date advancements in the field and also to point toward the future directions. Preface About the Editors Current State of Knowledge Regarding the Human Microbiome Structure, Function, and Diversity Impact of Dietary Habits, Ethnicity, and Geographical Provenance in Shaping Human Gut Microbiome Diversity Methods Used for Studying Human Microbiome Factors Affecting the Composition of the Human Microbiome Correlation of the Human Microbiome to Specific Health/Disease Conditions Mapping the Microbial Metabolites in Metabolic Disorder with Special Reference to Type-2 Diabetes Human Microbiome in Malnutrition Association of Probiotics and Prebiotics with Human Microbiome and the Functioning of Immune System Human Microbiome and the Susceptibility to Infections Human Microbiome and the Neurological Disorders Exploring the Unexplored Arena: Butyrate as a Dual Communicator in Gut-Brain Axis Human Microbiome and Lifestyle Disorders Correlation of Human Microbiome and Immune Functioning with COVID-19 Infections: An Overview Exploring the Pathoprofiles of SARS-COV-2 Infected Human Gut-Lungs Microbiome Crosstalks Role of Human Microbiome in Cardiovascular Disease: Therapeutic Potential and Challenges The Human Microbiome and Respiratory Diseases Manipulation of the Human Microbiome for Better Health Probiotics: An Emerging Strategy for Oral Health Care Dietary Modulation of the Nervous and Immune System: Role of Probiotics/Prebiotics/Synbiotics/Postbiotics Probiotics for Skin Health Human Microbiome and Autism-Spectrum Disorders Psychobiotics as an Emerging Category of Probiotic Products Probiotics for Vaginal Health Interactions Between Microbial Therapeutics and the Endogenous Microbiome Applied and Translational Aspects Bacillus Endospore Probiotics Are a Promising Intervention for Mitigation of Metabolic Endotoxemia Characterization and Authentication of Probiotic Preparations A Survey of Commercially Available Probiotics Regulatory Aspects Relevant to Probiotic Products Probiotic Identity from Spore: Focus on Bacillus Probiotics

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