What I am uploading here is something that the Infowars operation went to considerable lengths to keep you from having, i.e., the first issue of this much-promoted magazine in a file... a file that you can share... a .pdf format file.
Approximately 30 minutes after the end of today's radio show, this arrived in my inbox from Infowars, with the subject line "Your Infowars Magazine Free E-Subscription Has Arrived." The email offered a choice of two links to VIEW a copy of the magazine for free. There was no download link in the email.
Both links lead to flash presentations, on two different web sites. The first onedisplays a download icon on the left side of the page. When you click it, a box pops up asking you to choose the Win or Mac "offline version." Since the p in .pdf stands for "portable," I was pretty certain that this was not going to let me download a .pdf file. I clicked "Windows" and a file download dialog box immediately appeared, telling me that I was about to download "offline.exe."
Call me paranoid if you will, but I'm not going to download an executable file that I know nothing about, much less run it. So, I quit that site, went back to the email and clicked the other link.
This site, issuu.com, displayed a download icon (that I decided to pass on, given what happened at the first site) and a print icon. I decided to try printing to a .pdf file, to create one of my own since it seemed clear by now that I wasn't going to find one to download. But when I clicked the print icon, I was told that I would have to "sign up" before I would be allowed to do that.
I looked at the registration form and there were not a great number of fields, but they did require name and email address info. I have no clue as to who runs issuu.com nor what they might do with any personal data I supplied, so I was finished there.
Back to the first site, to try printing to a .pdf file from there. To print, you have to click a checkbox next to a thumbnail of the page you want to print. There are 48 pages, including the cover, and no "print all" option. So, I clicked 48 checkboxes hit "print" and the process began as it should... then about 20 seconds later my browser's flash plugin crashed. The .pdf file created only had the first 15 pages and two of them were corrupted.
I decided to download smaller bites, 8 to 10 pages at a time and then merge them into one file. This was time-consuming, but it worked. Ultimately, I had my .pdf file. Un-rared it comes in at about 113 mb, but I think I can tweak things somewhat and make the next one proportionately smaller.
So, there it is. I do not know why they went to such lengths to prevent subscribers to the Infowars newsletter from having a portable document format file, but where there's a will, there's a way. Please share this, and please comment here about the contents. I've been so occupied getting this into a usable form that I have yet to read a single page!