Plot: 20-year-old Will Hunting (Matt Damon) of South Boston has a genius-level intellect but chooses to work as a janitor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and spend his free time with his friends Chuckie Sullivan (Ben Affleck), Billy McBride (Cole Hauser) and Morgan O'Mally (Casey Affleck). When Fields Medal-winning combinatorialist Professor Gerald Lambeau (Stellan Skarsgård) posts a difficult problem taken from algebraic graph theory as a challenge for his graduate students to solve, Will solves the problem quickly but anonymously. Lambeau posts a much more difficult problem and chances upon Will solving it, but Will runs off. Will meets Skylar (Minnie Driver), a British student about to graduate from Harvard University and pursue a graduate degree at Stanford University School of Medicine in California.
Video info: HD-RiP (1920x1040 [23,976 fps, 9922 kbps])
Audio info: DTS, 48 kHz, 1.536 kbps, 6 chnls - English
Subtitles: Swedish, English, Turkish, Finnish, Spanish, Polish.
Best drama ever made. Enj0y watching.
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