Textbook in PDF format
This atlas allows dermatologists and resident and qualified professionals in other disciplines to reach a quick diagnosis, with a wealth of clinical and dermatoscopic images for convenience. Key features: Provides a quick and straightforward guide to diagnosis for medical professionals. Allows residents and professionals in other disciplines easy access to the essential points. Presents the expertise of some of the most eminent international nail specialists. Nail Signs Anatomy. Nail Matrix Signs. Nail Bed Signs. Nail Plate Signs. Periungual Signs. Nail Disorders Acute paronychia. Chronic paronychia. Periungual Eczema. Herpes simplex. Onychomycosis. Nail Psoriasis. Nail Lichen Planus. Lichen Striatus. Trachyonychia. Warts. Bowen disease / Squamous cell carcinoma. Glomus tumors. Acquired digital arteriovenous malformation. Myxoid Pseudocyst. Subungual exostosis. Onychocytic matricoma. Onychomatricoma. Onychopapilloma. Subungual keratoacanthoma. Superficial Acral Fibromyxoma. Ungual Fibrokeratoma. Ungual fibroma. Longitudinal melanonychia. Leishmaniasis. Leprosy. Tungiasis