الكتاب الشريف The Holy Bible in Arabic
Version: Sharif Arabic Bible Duration: 112 hours and 39 minutes Format: MP3 1ch 48000Hz 32kbit
The Sharif Bible is the complete Bible in modern Arabic. It is a dynamic translation, and attempts to transfer the meaning of the original text into simple, modern, standard, literary Arabic. This is meant to be understandable across the Arab world, so regional words and expressions are avoided. This translation holds dearly to being as accurate and faithful to the original text as possible, natural (in language familiar to the reader), clear, and easy to understand. It is an accurate translation of the original Hebrew and Greek texts into the people's simple language.
© International Sharif Bible Society, 2016
More information at: https://www.bible.com/versions/153-sab-sharif-arabic-bible https://sharifbible.cc https://shopsharif.com