The Movie of Me to the Movie of We - Raghu Markus - 2023 (miok) [Audiobook]
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The Movie of Me to the Movie of We - Raghu Markus - 2023

By: Raghu Markus, Duncan Trussell Narrated by: Raghu Markus, Duncan Trussell Length: 10 hrs and 36 mins Unabridged Audiobook Release date: 10-26-23 Categories: Self-Help, Personal Development Language: English Publisher: Mitchell Markus Format: mp3 64/48 stereo

Publisher's Summary:

This book which we've been working on for the last four years is called the The Movie of Me to the Movie of We. Everyone has a "Movie of Me" that they firmly believe in. As Krishna Das says, "You wake up in the morning, and you are the star, producer, writer, director, and cinematographer of the Movie of Me 24/7." In fact, we write our own reviews! That constant self-referential point of view leads to daily angst and unhappiness. In this book, we discuss and share ways to transform what the Buddhists call 'self-cherishing' into a deep connectivity with all of life itself.

It takes real work. This isn't just, I'm sick of it, so I'm suddenly going to transform. Many factors contribute to building habitual patterns, neurotic tendencies, and existing conditions because of parents, teachers, and society.

Our investigation has manifested in the form of wonderful chats where we use our lives as examples to illustrate our propensity to delude ourselves. We see our self-interested motivations clearly through Mindfulness and learn how to transform our pain, isolation, and separation. We felt that we had to make some kind of offering to humanity using ourselves as examples and our great teachers to light the way. What's wonderful about being a condensed mass of neurosis, defense mechanisms, and self-defeating habits, is the moment you glimpse that it's just a game you are playing with the infinite.

The infinite is the fabric of love, caring, compassion, and kindness we all connect to with each other. Forget about enlightenment. What can we do for each other? Look at what is going on in the world right now. It's about connection. That wonderful moment of satori, just essence, 'being here now,' as Ram Dass called it, is synonymous with connection and inter-being. It is apparent when we transform our obsession with the mini "me."

None of this would've been possible without the guiding rudder of wisdom and heartfulness from Ram Dass and the grace filled presence of Neem Karoli Baba. It has everything to do with the fun we had hanging out with each other. Hence, The Movie of Me to the Movie of We.

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