TTC - Biology (360p)
2024-01-01 18:13:43 GMT
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Biology: The Science of Life

72 x Lectures (360p) + Course Guidebook

TTC - Biology (360p): 01 - The Scope of Life.mp4 02 - More on the Origin of Life.mp4 03 - The Organism and the Cell.mp4 04 - Proteins—How Things Get Done in the Cell.mp4 05 - Which Molecule Holds the Code.mp4 06 - The Double Helix.mp4 07 - The Nuts and Bolts of Replicating DNA.mp4 08 - The Central Dogma.mp4 09 - The Genetic Code.mp4 10 - From DNA to RNA.mp4 11 - From RNA to Protein.mp4 12 - When Mistakes Happen.mp4 13 - Dividing DNA Between Dividing Cells.mp4 14 - Mendel and His Pea Plants.mp4 15 - How Sex Leads to Variation.mp4 16 - Genes and Chromosomes.mp4 17 - Charles Darwin and the Origin of Species.mp4 18 - Natural Selection in Action.mp4 19 - Reconciling Darwin and Mendel.mp4 20 - Mechanisms of Evolutionary Change.mp4 21 - What Are Species and How Do New Ones Arise.mp4 22 - More on the Origin of New Species.mp4 23 - Reconstructing Evolution.mp4 24 - The History of Life, Revisited.mp4 25 - From Cells to Organisms.mp4 26 - Control of Gene Expression I.mp4 27 - Control of Gene Expression II.mp4 28 - Getting Proteins to the Right Place.mp4 29 - Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology.mp4 30 - How Cells Talk—Signals and Receptors.mp4 31 - How Cells Talk—Ways That Cells Respond.mp4 32 - From One Cell to Many in an Organism.mp4 33 - Patterns of Early Development.mp4 34 - Determination and Differentiation.mp4 35 - Induction and Pattern Formation.mp4 36 - Genes and Development.mp4 37 - Homeostasis.mp4 38 - Hormones in Animals.mp4 39 - What is Special about Neurons.mp4 40 - Action Potentials and Synapses.mp4 41 - Synaptic Integration and Memory.mp4 42 - Sensory Function.mp4 43 - How Muscles Work.mp4 44 - The Innate Immune System.mp4 45 - The Acquired Immune System.mp4 46 - Form and Function in Plants I.mp4 47 - Form and Function in Plants II.mp4 48 - Behavior as an Adaptive Trait.mp4 49 - Energy and Resources in Living Systems.mp4 50 - How Energy is Harnessed by Cells.mp4 51 - Enzymes—Making Chemistry Work in Cells.mp4 52 - Cellular Currencies of Energy.mp4 53 - Making ATP—Glycolysis.mp4 54 - Making ATP—Cellular Respiration.mp4 55 - Making ATP—The Chemiosmotic Theory.mp4 56 - Capturing Energy from Sunlight.mp4 57 - The Reactions of Photosynthesis.mp4 58 - Resources and Life Histories.mp4 59 - The Structure of Populations.mp4 60 - Population Growth.mp4 61 - What Limits Population Growth.mp4 62 - Costs and Benefits of Behavior.mp4 63 - Altruism and Mate Selection.mp4 64 - Ecological Interactions Among Species.mp4 65 - Predators and Competitors.mp4 66 - Competition and the Ecological Niche.mp4 67 - Energy in Ecosystems.mp4 68 - Nutrients in Ecosystems.mp4 69 - How Predictable Are Ecological Communities.mp4 70 - Biogeography.mp4 71 - Human Population Growth.mp4 72 - The Human Asteroid.mp4 Biology Guidebook.pdf

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