TTC - Great Ideas of Philosophy, 2nd Edition (360p)
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Great Ideas of Philosophy, 2nd Edition

60 x Lectures (360p) + Course Guidebook

TTC - Great Ideas of Philosophy, 2nd Edition (360p): 01 - From the Upanishads to Homer.mp4 02 - Philosophy—Did the Greeks Invent It.mp4 03 - Pythagoras and the Divinity of Number.mp4 04 - What Is There.mp4 05 - The Greek Tragedians on Man’s Fate.mp4 06 - Herodotus and the Lamp of History.mp4 07 - Socrates on the Examined Life.mp4 08 - Plato's Search For Truth.mp4 09 - Can Virtue Be Taught.mp4 10 - Plato's Republic—Man Writ Large.mp4 11 - Hippocrates and the Science of Life.mp4 12 - Aristotle on the Knowable.mp4 13 - Aristotle on Friendship.mp4 14 - Aristotle on the Perfect Life.mp4 15 - Rome, the Stoics, and the Rule of Law.mp4 16 - The Stoic Bridge to Christianity.mp4 17 - Roman Law—Making a City of the Once-Wide World.mp4 18 - The Light Within—Augustine on Human Nature.mp4 19 - Islam.mp4 20 - Secular Knowledge—The Idea of University.mp4 21 - The Reappearance of Experimental Science.mp4 22 - Scholasticism and the Theory of Natural Law.mp4 23 - The Renaissance—Was There One.mp4 24 - Let Us Burn the Witches to Save Them.mp4 25 - Francis Bacon and the Authority of Experience.mp4 26 - Descartes and the Authority of Reason.mp4 27 - Newton—The Saint of Science.mp4 28 - Hobbes and the Social Machine.mp4 29 - Locke’s Newtonian Science of the Mind.mp4 30 - No matter The Challenge of Materialism.mp4 31 - Hume and the Pursuit of Happiness.mp4 32 - Thomas Reid and the Scottish School.mp4 33 - France and the Philosophes.mp4 34 - The Federalist Papers and the Great Experiment.mp4 35 - What Is Enlightenment Kant on Freedom.mp4 36 - Moral Science and the Natural World.mp4 37 - Phrenology—A Science of the Mind.mp4 38 - The Idea of Freedom.mp4 39 - The Hegelians and History.mp4 40 - The Aesthetic Movement—Genius.mp4 41 - Nietzsche at the Twilight.mp4 42 - The Liberal Tradition—J. S. Mill.mp4 43 - Darwin and Nature’s “Purposes”.mp4 44 - Marxism—Dead But Not Forgotten.mp4 45 - The Freudian World.mp4 46 - The Radical William James.mp4 47 - William James's Pragmatism.mp4 48 - Wittgenstein and the Discursive Turn.mp4 49 - Alan Turing in the Forest of Wisdom.mp4 50 - Four Theories of the Good Life.mp4 51 - Ontology—What There Really Is.mp4 52 - Philosophy of Science—The Last Word.mp4 53 - Philosophy of Psychology and Related Confusions.mp4 54 - Philosophy of Mind, If There Is One.mp4 55 - What makes a Problem Moral.mp4 56 - Medicine and the Value of Life.mp4 57 - On the Nature of Law.mp4 58 - Justice and Just Wars.mp4 59 - Aesthetics—Beauty Without Observers.mp4 60 - God—Really.mp4 Great Ideas of Philosophy, 2nd Edition Guidebook.pdf

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