TTC - Foundations of Western Civilization II (360p)
2023-12-30 11:58:28 GMT
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Foundations of Western Civilization II: A History of the Modern Western World

48 x Lectures (360p) + Course Guidebook

TTC - Foundations of Western Civilization II (360p): 01 - The Importance of the West.mp4 02 - Geography is Destiny.mp4 03 - Culture Is Destiny.mp4 04 - Renaissance Humanism 1350-1650.mp4 05 - Renaissance Princes 1450-1600.mp4 06 - The New World & the Old.mp4 07 - The Protestant Reformation 1500-1522.mp4 08 - The Wars of Religion 1523-1648.mp4 09 - Rational & Scientific Revolutions 1450-1650.mp4 10 - French Absolutism 1589-1715.mp4 11 - English Constitutionalism 1603-1649.mp4 12 - English Constitutionalism 1649-1689.mp4 13 - War, Trade, Empire 1688-1702.mp4 14 - War, Trade, Empire 1702-1714.mp4 15 - War, Trade, Empire 1714-1763.mp4 16 - Life Under the Ancien Regime 1689-1789.mp4 17 - Enlightenment & Despotism.mp4 18 - The American Revolution.mp4 19 - The French Revolution 1789-1792.mp4 20 - The French Revolution 1792-1803.mp4 21 - The Napoleonic Empire 1803-1815.mp4 22 - Beginnings of Industrialization 1760-1850.mp4 23 - Consequences of Industrialization 1760-1850.mp4 24 - The Liberal Response 1776-1861.mp4 25 - The Romantic Response 1789-1870.mp4 26 - The Socialist Response 1813-1905.mp4 27 - Descent of Man, Rise of Woman 1830-1890.mp4 28 - Nationalism 1815-1848.mp4 29 - Nationalism 1848-1871.mp4 30 - Imperial Rivalry 1870-1914.mp4 31 - Industrial Rivalry 1870-1914.mp4 32 - The Alliance System 1872-1914.mp4 33 - Decadence & Malaise Circa 1900.mp4 34 - The Great War Begins 1914-1916.mp4 35 - Breaking the Deadlock 1915-1917.mp4 36 - The Russian Revolution 1917-1922.mp4 37 - The End of the War 1917-1922.mp4 38 - Recovery & Depression in the West 1919-1936.mp4 39 - Totalitarian Russia 1918-1939.mp4 40 - Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany 1922-1936.mp4 41 - The Holocaust 1933-1945.mp4 42 - The Failure of Diplomacy 1935-1939.mp4 43 - World War II 1939-1942.mp4 44 - World War II, 19421945.mp4 45 - American Hegemony, Soviet Challenge 1945-1975.mp4 46 - Rebuilding Europe 1945-1985.mp4 47 - The New Europe 1985-2001.mp4 48 - The Meaning of Western Civilization.mp4 Foundations of Western Civilization II Guidebook.pdf

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