Become a ReactJS and Typescript Superhero + Project Zeus
2023-12-24 03:52:21 GMT
12.99 GiB (13952337159 Bytes)


Unlock the power of modern web development with our comprehensive course! Dive deep into ReactJS, Typescript, Redux, Firebase, and Tailwind CSS to build real-world projects and gain the skills to succeed in the fast-paced world of web development.

Key Highlights:

Master Essential Technologies: Learn the core concepts of ReactJS and Typescript, and build dynamic web applications with confidence.
Efficient State Management: Dive into the Redux Toolkit and discover the art of state management for seamless app development.
Real-time Applications: Create interactive applications with Firebase and Firestore, complete with secure authentication and authorization.
Sleek UI Design: Craft visually stunning, responsive interfaces with Tailwind CSS, making your apps look great on any device.
Project Zeus: Combine your skills to create a sophisticated chat app and a functional to-do list app, showcasing your abilities to future employers.
Debugging and Best Practices: Equip yourself with error-handling techniques and industry best practices for top-notch code.
Advanced Features: Implement user profiles, notifications, and more to take your applications to the next level.
Collaborative Development: Learn to work effectively in teams using Git, a vital skill in the world of web development.
Deployment Mastery: Get hands-on experience deploying your React applications to hosting platforms like Firebase Hosting.

Enroll now and embark on a journey that will equip you with the skills, experience, and projects to stand out in the competitive field of web development. Don’t miss the opportunity to become a ReactJS and Typescript superhero and conquer the world of modern web development.

Course Objectives

ReactJS and Typescript Fundamentals:

Understand the core concepts of ReactJS and Typescript
Build React components, manage state, and handle events
Apply Typescript to enhance code quality, maintainability, and developer productivity

State Management with Redux Toolkit:

Implement actions, reducers, and stores for efficient state management.
Develop a feature-rich to-do list application with Redux integration.
Understand the principles of state management using the Redux Toolkit.

Real-time Data with Firebase and Firestore:

Set up a Firebase project for real-time data management with Firestore
Implement Authentication and Authorization for secure chat access
Create a real-time chat application with messaging features

Styling with Tailwind CSS:

Customize and style components and layouts with Tailwind classes
Create modern and responsive user interfaces using Tailwind CSS.
Implement responsive design practices for a seamless user experience

Project Development and Best Practices:

Put the knowledge of ReactJS, Redux, Typescript, TailwindCSS, and Firebase into creating a fully fleshed chat app project
Learn the best practices for implementing React and Typescript, Redux, and Firebase
You’ll be able to Debug ReactJS code with Error-handling features

Advanced Features and “Project Zeus”:

Incorporate advanced features like user profiles and notifications
Create “Project Zeus,” a sophisticated and functional todo list and chat application with a modern UI

Teamwork and Deployment:

Work effectively in teams by using version control systems like Git
Learn how to deploy React applications to hosting platforms like Firebase hosting
Gain valuable experience in the development and deployment process

Who this course is for:

Beginner HTML and CSS developer, curious about ReactJS, Typescript and Firebase
Beginner ReactJS developer who wants to learn Typescript with React
Beginner Typescript developer, curious about using Typescript with React
Experienced ReactTS developers can use this course as a refresher


Know only the Basics of HTML and CSS
Know the basics of ReactJS
This course is beginner friendly, I take out time to explain everything for starters

Last Updated 12/2023

Gomagnet 2023.
The data comes from Pirate Bay.