Updated script logic and adds 1 lang (koKR).
Now uses EU base manifest 15050 for everything instead of seperate 13623 NA/EU/TW bases.
Languages supported are:
deDE German enGB English - UK enTW Chinese text - English spoken enUS English - USA esES Spanish - Spain esMX Spanish - Mexico frFR French - France koKR Korean - Korea ruRU Russian zhTW Chinese - Taiwan
Double click on Make_Language_XXXX.command to switch language.
If you want to use a different server than Molten WoW then modify
and then run a Make_Language script.
Added new script "Make_Language_scripts.command". If you want to modify the code for the Language scripts then modify enUS and run the Make_Language_scripts.command to propagate changes to to other Lang scripts.
A bunch of new WoW.mfil and .mfil files just for saving for future use if needed.