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Get simple, specific guidance on writing a research paper with "Writing the Research Paper: A Handbook", Eighth Edition! With its easy-to-digest steps that demystify the writing process, this accessible handbook gives you the tools you need to work independently to create well-constructed research papers-throughout your college career and beyond. Within the text, you'll discover comprehensive, up-to-date information conveyed in a calm and reassuring manner that encourages you to turn to any section of the text at any time for immediate, expert assistance. Each self-contained section is as brief as possible so you won't need to wade through extraneous material-and can be effectively used in any order, depending on your needs. "Writing the Research Paper: A Handbook" is a book designed to be consulted not read. A regular book builds from topic to topic in a steady accumulation of ideas and facts. This book, in contrast, treats each topic as an independent unit. You do not need to understand the material in Chapter 2 to progress to Chapter 3. When you want information on, say, how to document a website, you simply go to the appropriate chapter or section of the book and copy the model given there. An exhaustive index and table of contents take a reader instantly to where the particular material on a particular subject is to be found. Whether the student chooses to hop from topic to topic, like a feeding butterfly, or to burrow like a determined mole through every explanation depends on the individual. "Writing the Research Paper: a Handbook" can be used either way. In 1979 when the first edition was published, we wrote that “no part of this book is dependent for continuity upon another,” adding, a few sentences later, that the aim was for students to use “as much of the book as they need, or as little.” That is still the basic principle behind this book. This 8th edition of Writing the Research Paper: a Handbook makes no assumptions about its potential users. No other prerequisites are required to use this book other than enrollment in a class that requires the writing of a research paper. Whatever the student needs to know about how to use the library or how to explore a search engine for ideas on a particular subject will be found in this new edition. This new edition was made necessary by changes in the protocols of research paper writing and documentation made in 2009 by both the Modern Language Association (MLA) and the American Psychological Association (APA). Most of these changes were admittedly microscopic, but they nevertheless have to be observed. Every new trait or shift in style, now the law of the land of research, is faithfully covered here with many examples. We have added a new paper written in MLA style and updated the APA example. The CMS paper has also been tweaked to reflect changes, even minor ones, in the Chicago Manual of Style. In revising for the eighth time a book that is known for its simplicity of presentation, we have become conscious of the fact that sometimes we occasionally provide too much information on a topic, making it seem more complex than it is. We have been very careful in this edition to thin out overly dense explanations and to provide, in the words of one poplar TV detective, “just the facts, Ma’am”. The student does not need to know how a search engine works in order to use it, for example, and many instances of this kind of simplifi cation will be found scattered throughout the text, making Writing the Research Paper: a Handbook, eighth edition even more accessible and useful than its predecessors. Basic Information about the Research Paper Choosing a Topic The Library Using the Computer in Your Research Doing the Research The Thesis and the Outline Transforming the Notes into a Rough Draft Revising Your Rough Draft The MLA System of Documentation The APA System of Documentation The Traditional System of Documentation (CMS) Sample Student Papers Appendicies