Synopsis In a dark world, power hungry the Dark Lord Rat uses hypnotized Orcs as he embarks on a mission of world conquest. His influence is spreading through the world as villages of Dwarves are sacked at an alarming rate. Finally, the Dwarves form a resistance to fight off the invading Orcs. - Game Mode 1. Dwarf Adventure Mode includes 7 stages, 6 levels per stage, 42 levels. 2. You may start Orc Adventure Mode after all levels of Dwarf Adventure Mode are cleared. 3. Quick Play Mode is unlocked when Orc Adventure Mode is cleared - Unit 1. Dwarves: Workers, Warriors, Archers, Mages, Shield units, etc. (all 29 units) 2. Orcs: Wokers, Warriors, Archers, Mages, Shield units, etc. (all 27 units) 3. Stage Unit: Each of the 7...
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