Conspiracy Research Library 2012
2012-02-05 08:02:53 GMT
14.86 GiB (15954684939 Bytes)

Conspiracy Research Library 2012 Compiled by: Hissil Fully Extracted: 16GB over 300,000 files Compressed to 7z and split in 3 parts (4GB each) for burning to DVDs Additional Material: Bibliotecapleyades 4GB 7z archive

The majority of data contained in this archive is the culmination of my research into conspiracy related topics over the past five years. I have archived vast sources of knowledge to be contained in a virtual library of mostly PDF and HTML format. The importance of this information transcends all materialistic and monetary concepts, therefore if you wish to support the authors of the works provided, you may do so on your own time. A great portion of the information contained may not be 100% accurate, so always use your own discernment and reasoning while reading.

Information relating to anarchism, aliens, astral travel, consciousness, conspiracies, dreams, esoterica, freemasonry, gnosis, hallucinogenic drugs, illuminati, politics, occultism, science, science fiction, spirituality, wilderness survival, and universal knowledge.

Included Materials:

  • EROWID Website Archive April 2009
  • Jordan Maxwell Files
  • Complete Website Archive July 2007
  • Over 10,000 additional PDFs
  • Bibliotecapleyades Website Archive July 2009

Partial list of featured authors: Adolf Hitler Albert Pike Aldous Huxley Alex Christopher Alex Collier Antony Sutton Billy Meier Boris Mouravieff Bradford Angier Bruce Lee Carlos Castaneda Cathy O'Brien David Icke Derrick Jensen D.J. MacHale Edward Griffin Edgar Allan Poe Erich Von Daniken Eustace Mullins Fritz Springmier Gary Allen Gregory Douglas George Orwell Grant Morrison Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa Henry David Thoreau Ingo Swann Jeffrey Dahmer Jeff Lindsay Jim Marrs John Coleman John Taylor Gatto Jon Rappoport Jordan Maxwell Jürgen Graf Juri Lina Karla Turner Kevin Mitnick Kurt Cobain Laura Knight Jadczyk Manly Palmer Hall Marquis De Sade Michael Piper Michael Topper Michael Tsarion Mike Ruppert Murray Rothbard Nikola Tesla Noam Chomsky Orfeo Angelucci P.D. Ouspensky Peter Joseph Robert Bruce Robert Monroe Rodney Collin Rudolf Steiner Stewart Swerdlow Terence Mckenna Theun Mares Thoth Val Valerian William Car William Cooper Zbigniew Brzezinski Zecharia Sitchin

Gomagnet 2023.
The data comes from Pirate Bay.