Counter Strike Source 2012 + Multi-Language + Anti-Cheat | Stabl
2012-01-05 23:16:34 GMT
CSMEGA CSS Counter strike Counter Strike sourse contra Strike


Tested and Working on Win Xp 32/64,Vista 32/64,Win 7 32/64

Latest Changes

Important notes

If you were previously crashing on startup, please have Steam verify the integrity of your game cache
    Update your game to the most current version
    Right-click on the game and select "Properties"
    Click on the "Local Files" tab
    Click on the "Verify Integrity of Game Cache" button
If you were previously crashing when connecting to a server, please run once with "-autoconfig" to reset your graphics state
    Update your game to the most current version
    Right-click on the game and select "Properties"
    Click on the "General" tab
    Click on the "Set Launch Options..." button
    Add "-autoconfig" to the launch options and click OK
    Restart your game
    After doing this, you should remove -autoconfig from your launch options

Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)

Fixed several client crashes on game startup, shutdown, and replay interaction
Updated the materials used on models to ignore the $ignorez flag, to make it harder to create wallhacks on sv_pure 0 servers


Emulated with latest Revolution Emulator


Supported Languages are :

English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, sChinese,

Korean, Koreana, tChinese, Japanese, Russian, Thai, or Portugeuse

You can change language by the rev.ini file which is located in your CSS folder where hl2.exe is

Open rev.ini file and find : Language = English

Cahnge it to your prefer language,this can be one of the written above.

Remember : you cannot use language which is not discribed above !

============================================================================= System Requirements :

Minimal : Windows 98/ME/2000/XP; CPU 1.2 GHz; 512 Mb; Video 128 Mb.

Recommnended: CPU 2.4 GHz; 1024 Mb; 256 Mb Video.

(Tactical / Shooter) / Add-on (Standalone) / 3D / 1st Person / MOD

To install the game right click on the "rar" file and extract it anywhere on your HDD.Open the folder and run the counter strike source.exe.Play online.

Seed & EnjoY

Gomagnet 2023.
The data comes from Pirate Bay.