Title: The Life of David Gale Year: 2003 Country: United States, Germany, Great Britain Genre: Thriller, Drama, Crime Duration: 2:11:00 Subtitles: Russian, English (switchable)
[url=https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0289992/]The Life of David Gale (2003) - IMDb[/url]
Director: Alan Parker / Alan Parker
Cast: Kevin Spacey, Kate Winslet, Laura Linney, Gabriel Mann, Matt Craven, Leon Rippey
A man against capital punishment is accused of murdering a fellow activist and is sent to death row.
Technical data file: Quality: HDTVRip 720p Format: MKV Video Codec: x264 Audio Codec: AAC Video: 1280 x 544, 23.976 fps, 847 Kbps, Audio # 1: English, original, 48.100 kHz, AAC, 2 ch, ~ 128.00 kbps VBR Audio # 2: Russian, 48.100 kHz, AAC, 2 ch, ~ 128.00 kbps VBR