Plot: A college dropout becomes a babysitter to make some quick cash, and takes his three young charges on an epic urban adventure in this comedy from director David Gordon Green (George Washington, Pineapple Express). Noah (Jonah Hill) isn’t a babysitter, but he’ll do just about anything for a little extra cash in his wallet. Shortly after he’s hired to look after three young children, though, Noah gets a call from his girlfriend promising sex in exchange for drugs. Desperate and horny, the irresponsible sitter packs his unsuspecting wards into the car and heads for the seedy part of town. Before Noah can think twice the whole night has gone to hell, and he’s on the run from a pair of murderous drug dealers (Sam Rockwell and J.B.with no qualms about shooting at small targets. Ari Graynor, Max Records, and Method Man co-star.
Genre: Comedy IMDB rating: 5.7/10 Directed by: David Gordon Green Starring: Jonah Hill, Ari Graynor and Sam Rockwell
Release Name: The Sitter 2011 CAM XviD-UnKnowN Size: 1.02 GB Quality: 680×364, 1580 kbps, AC3 224 kbps Runtime: 78 mins