Genre: Director: Corey Lee Stars: Plot: Legend of a Warrior follows Corey Lee's efforts to reconnect with his father, martial arts legend Frank Lee. For his many students and fans, Frank is martial arts-a high-kicking dynamo whose style of full contact fighting has propelled him into the upper echelons of his profession. Frank is happy to play the role he's cultivated, but his son, filmmaker Corey Lee, wants to look beneath the superhero mask. To do this Corey must enter Frank's world, a world where fighting rules.
MEDIAINFO Container = MPEG-4 (mp4) Duration = 01:18:27.819 Filesize = 1 GiB --Video Codec info = AVC [email protected] | avc1 Resolution = 1920x1080 Display AR = 1.778 | 16:9 Bitrate = 2 500 kb/s Framerate = CFR 23.976 Color space = YUV Chroma subsampling = 4:2:0 Encoder = x264 - core 152 --Audio Codec info = AAC | mp4a-40-2 Channels = 6 Bitrate = CBR 224 kb/s Samplerate = 48.0 kHz Language = English
https://everest.picturedent.org/image/7YYV https://everest.picturedent.org/image/7YYe https://everest.picturedent.org/image/7YYg https://everest.picturedent.org/image/7YYo https://everest.picturedent.org/image/7YYN https://everest.picturedent.org/image/7YYQ