Cheng S. Delaunay Mesh Generation 2012
2023-05-07 20:16:15 GMT
19.51 MiB (20458884 Bytes)

Textbook in PDF format

Written by authors at the forefront of modern algorithms research, Delaunay Mesh Generation demonstrates the power and versatility of Delaunay meshers in tackling complex geometric domains ranging from polyhedra with internal boundaries to piecewise smooth surfaces. Covering both volume and surface meshes, the authors fully explain how and why these meshing algorithms work. The book is one of the first to integrate a vast amount of cutting-edge material on Delaunay triangulations. It begins with introducing the problem of mesh generation and describing algorithms for constructing Delaunay triangulations. The authors then present algorithms for generating high-quality meshes in polygonal and polyhedral domains. They also illustrate how to use restricted Delaunay triangulations to extend the algorithms to surfaces with ridges and patches and volumes with smooth surfaces. For researchers and graduate students, the book offers a rigorous theoretical analysis of mesh generation methods. It provides the necessary mathematical foundations and core theoretical results upon which researchers can build even better algorithms in the future. For engineers, the book shows how the algorithms work well in practice. It explains how to effectively implement them in the design and programming of mesh generation software

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