Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure, Family, TV Movie Director: Bill Reed Stars: John Erwin, Alan Oppenheimer, Linda Gary, Lana Beeson, Melendy Britt Plot: In this special Christmas episode of the He-Man and She-Ra cartoons, their sidekick Orko accidentally gets beamed to Earth during a test of a new spy satellite. Orko manages to get back Planet Eternia, but brings along two Earth children, Alisha and Manuel, with him. Since it's Christmastime on Earth, the kids are naturally filled with the holiday spirit, but this overflowing goodwill attracts the unwelcome attention of the Horde Prime and Skeletor. Will the combined power of He-Man, She-Ra and the spirit of Christmas be enough to stop them?
COVER https://everest.picturedent.org/image/77w4
MEDIAINFO Container = MPEG-4 (mp4) Duration = 00:46:21.035 Filesize = 905 MiB --Video Codec info = AVC [email protected] | avc1 Resolution = 1440x1080 Display AR = 1.333 | 4:3 Bitrate = 2 500 kb/s Framerate = CFR 23.976 Color space = YUV Chroma subsampling = 4:2:0 Encoder = x264 - core 152 --Audio Codec info = AAC | mp4a-40-2 Channels = 2 Bitrate = CBR 224 kb/s Samplerate = 48.0 kHz Language = English
https://everest.picturedent.org/image/77w8 https://everest.picturedent.org/image/77wL https://everest.picturedent.org/image/77wX https://everest.picturedent.org/image/77JC https://everest.picturedent.org/image/77JK https://everest.picturedent.org/image/77JT