The Terminal (Tom Hanks 2004) [DVDrip ITA ENG] TNT Village
2011-10-13 11:15:10 GMT
TNT Village - ScambioEtico

The Terminal (Tom Hanks 2004) [DVDrip ITA ENG] TNT Village

Dual Audio: #1 Italian #2 English

.: Release Originale :.

.: Plot :.

Viktor Navorski, a man from an Eastern European country arrives in New York. However after he left his country war broke out. Suddenly Navorski is a man without a country - or one that the U.S. cannot recognize, thus he is denied entrance to the U.S. However, he also can't be deported so he is told by the Security Manager that he has to remain in the airport until his status can be fixed. And also Navorski doesn't speak English very well, so he cannot talk to or understand anyone. But he somehow adapts and sets up residence in the airport, which makes the man who placed him there unhappy, as it seems he is in line for a promotion but Navroski's presence might complicate that. So he tries to get Navorski to leave but Navorski remains where he is. Navorski makes friends with some of the people who work in the airport and is attracted to a flight attendant he runs into whenever she comes in.

.: Trama :.

Proprio mentre Viktor Navorski è in volo verso gli Stati Uniti, un colpo di stato getta nel caos il paese dell'Est europeo da cui proviene. Una volta sbarcato al JFK di New York, si presenta ai controlli con un passaporto rilasciato da un governo fantasma. Risultato, il passaporto viene invalidato e di conseguenza gli viene vietata l'uscita dall'aeroporto. Nell'attesa di poter mettere piede nella Grande Mela l'aeroporto diventa la sua nuova casa...

.: Cover :.

.: Crediti :.

Genere: Drama / Romance / Comedy Data Uscita: Venezia 2004 Riconoscimenti: 2 wins & 2 nominations Regia: Steven Spielberg Fotografia: Janusz Kaminski Produzione: Jason Hoffs Colonna Sonora: John Williams Montaggio: Michael Kahn Sceneggiatura: Andrew Niccol, Sacha Gervasi, Jeff Nathanson

Cast: Tom Hanks ... Viktor Navorski Catherine Zeta-Jones ... Amelia Warren Stanley Tucci ... Frank Dixon Chi McBride ... Mulroy Diego Luna ... Enrique Cruz Barry Shabaka Henley ... Thurman Kumar Pallana ... Gupta Rajan Zoe Saldana ... Dolores Torres Eddie Jones ... Salchak Jude Ciccolella ... Karl Iverson Corey Reynolds ... Waylin Guillermo Díaz ... Bobby Alima Rini Bell ... Nadia Stephen Mendel ... First Class Steward Valeriy Nikolaev ... Milodragovich


.: Info Ripping :.

Dimensione File: Durata: 2:03:31 Numero di tracce Audio: 2

Nome Codec Video: DivX 6.2.5 Larghezza Frame: 592 Altezza frame: 320 Display Aspect Ratio: 1.850 FPS: 25.000 Video Bitrate: 1226 kbps QF: 0.259

Codec audio: MP3 48000 Hz Bitrate: 160 kbps Tipo: CBR Canali: 2

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