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The original 1981 edition of A Course in Universal Algebra has now been LaTeXed, so the authors could make the out-of-print Springer-Verlag Graduate Texts in Mathematics edition available once again, with corrections. The subject of Universal Algebra has flourished mightily since 1981, and we still believe that A Course in Universal Algebra offers an excellent introduction to the subject. Special thanks go to Lis D’Alessio for the superb job of LaTeXing this edition, and to NSERC for their support which has made this work possible. An update to the online edition in 2009 corrected the errors that had been found—details were given in the (separate) errata sheet. Unfortunately latexing the new file produced some changes in the page numbering. To solve the problem with shifting page numbers, the 2012 update has been reformatted so that the main body of the book (pages 1–256) agrees page-by-page (but not always line-by-line) with the original 1981 Springer edition. The few errors that have been found in the original edition, as well as those introduced when LaTeXing the original edition to create the online version, have been corrected. Any further errors that are discovered in this online version will be cited in an online errata sheet. Preface [From the original 1981 edition]. Universal algebra has enjoyed a particularly explosive growth in the last twenty years, and a student entering the subject now will find a bewildering amount of material to digest. This text is not intended to be encyclopedic; rather, a few themes central to universal algebra have been developed sufficiently to bring the reader to the brink of current research. The choice of topics most certainly reflects the authors’ interests. Preface to the Millennium Edition. Preliminaries. Lattices. Definitions of Lattices. Isomorphic Lattices, and Sublattices. Distributive and Modular Lattices. Complete Lattices, Equivalence Relations, and Algebraic Lattices. Closure Operators. The Elements. Definition and Examples of Algebras. Isomorphic Algebras, and Subalgebras. Algebraic Lattices and Subuniverses. The Irredundant Basis Theorem. Congruences and Quotient Algebras. Homomorphisms and the Homomorphism and Isomorphism Theorems. Direct Products, Factor Congruences, and Directly Indecomposable Algebras. Subdirect Products, Subdirectly Irreducible Algebras, and Simple Algebras. Class Operators and Varieties. Terms, Term Algebras, and Free Algebras. Identities, Free Algebras, and Birkhoff’s Theorem. Mal’cev Conditions. The Center of an Algebra. Equational Logic and Fully Invariant Congruences. Selected Topics. Steiner Triple Systems, Squags, and Sloops. Quasigroups, Loops, and Latin Squares. Orthogonal Latin Squares. Finite State Acceptors. Starting from Boolean Algebras. Boolean Algebras. Boolean Rings. Filters and Ideals. Stone Duality. Boolean Powers. Ultraproducts and Congruence-distributive Varieties. Primal Algebras. Boolean Products. Discriminator Varieties. Quasiprimal Algebras. Functionally Complete Algebras and Skew-free Algebras. Semisimple Varieties. Directly Representable Varieties. Connections with Model Theory. First-order Languages, First-order Structures, and Satisfaction. Reduced Products and Ultraproducts. Principal Congruence Formulas. Three Finite Basis Theorems. Semantic Embeddings and Undecidability. Recent Developments and Open Problems. The Commutator and the Center. The Classification of Varieties. Decidability Questions. Boolean Constructions. Structure Theory. Applications to Computer Science. Applications to Model Theory. Finite Basis Theorems. Subdirectly Irreducible Algebras. Books and Survey Articles. Research Papers and Monographs. Name Index. Subject Index