Chiang J. Decision Support Systems 2012
2023-03-21 18:46:15 GMT
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This book aims to portray a pragmatic perspective of applying DSS in the 21th century. It covers diverse applications of DSS, primarily focusing on the resource management and outcome forecast. The goal was to provide the broad understanding of DSS and illustrate their practical applications in a variety of fields related to real life. Pacing through second decade of the 21th century, more computer users are widely adopting technology-based tools and information-enriched databases to focus on supporting managerial decision making, reducing preventable faults and improving outcome forecasting. The goal of decision support systems (DSS) is to develop and deploy information technology-based systems in supporting efficient practice in multidiscipline domains. Biomedical Applications Whether Moving Suicide Prevention Toward Social Networking: A Decision Support Process with XREA Decision Support Systems in Medicine - Anesthesia, Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine Reliability and Evaluation of Identification Models Exemplified by a Histological Diagnosis Mode Diagnostic Decision Support System in Dysmorphology Business Applications Emerging Applications of the New Paradigm of Intelligent Decision Making Process: Hybrid Decisio Optimal Control of Integrated Production - Forecasting System Technological Applications in Management and Forecast DairyMGT: A Suite of Decision Support Systems in Dairy Farm Management Designing Effective Forecasting Decision Support Systems: Aligning Task Complexity and Technolog Comparison of Multicriteria Analysis Techniques for Environmental Decision Making on Industrial Semi-Automatic Semantic Data Classification Expert System to Produce Thematic Maps Towards Developing a Decision Support System for Electricity Load Forecast

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