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The Fundamentals of Mathematics, 10th Edition, offers a comprehensive and objectives-based review of all basic mathematics concepts. The author helps learners by addressing three important needs: 1) establishing good study habits and overcoming math anxiety, 2) making the connections between mathematics and their modern, day-to-day activities, and 3) being paced and challenged according to their individual level of understanding. The clear exposition and the consistency of presentation make learning arithmetic accessible for all. Key concepts presented in section objectives--and further defined within the context of How and Why--provide a strong foundation for learning and lasting comprehension. With a predominant emphasis on problem-solving skills, concepts, and applications based on "real world" data (with some introductory algebra integrated throughout), this book is suitable for individual study or for a variety of course formats: lab, self-paced, lecture, group, or combined formats. Whole Numbers Primes and Multiples Fractions and Mixed Numbers Ratio and Proportion Percent Ratio and Proportion Percent