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This book aims to provide students with the algebraic and trigonometric skills and understanding needed for other coursework and for participating as an educated citizen in a complex society. Mathematics faculty frequently complain that many students do not read the textbook. When doing homework, a typical student may look only at the relevant section of the textbook or the student solutions manual for an example similar to the homework problem at hand. The student reads enough of that example to imitate the procedure and then does the homework problem. Little understanding may take place. In contrast, this book is designed to be read by students. The writing style and layout are meant to induce students to read and understand the material. Explanations are more plentiful than typically found in algebra and trigonometry books. Examples of the concepts make the ideas concrete whenever possible. The Real Numbers Combining Algebra and Geometry Functions and Their Graphs Polynomial and Rational Functions Exponents and Logarithms e and the Natural Logarithm Systems of Equations Sequences, Series, and Limits Trigonometric Functions Trigonometric Algebra and Geometry Applications of Trigonometry