Salam - 1944
2011-07-22 01:40:56 GMT
Rock Jordan Salam 1944 Fusion 2011 Arabic

Band: Salam

Album: 1944

Year : 2011

Genre: Fusion Rock

BitRate: 320 Kb/s

Country of Origin: Jordan

Band Description:

Winners of the 2008 Jordanian Band Competition, SALAM performed in various events and festivals in Jordan, the latest being Jordan Festival 2010. They also toured Egypt last fall with concerts across Alexandria and Cairo.

His music has been heard over the airwaves of Amman FM since June 2007, and has been subject to lots of positive feedback. His music was also featured in a film by the RFC. He is described by many as an eclectic musician; this is mainly due to the variation in style, from instrumentals to songs with lyrics in both English and Arabic, each song with its own unique flavor.

Album Description:

"This collection represents a three year journey composing, playing and recording songs in Amman, Jordan. A collection of various songs were selected, showcasing all musical styles i've come to perform and love over the years. From the hard rocking (Ew3a) to the melancholic (Dualisme), i'm sure there's something for everyone on this album. 1944 includes songs in Arabic and English as well as two instrumentals thrown in for good measure. Some were selected due to their popularity during live performances and some were a personal favorite of mine.

In the end however, i'd like to think that my message is loud and clear, I want to move you.

I hope this album does just that."

  • Salam Homoud, 2010
Gomagnet 2023.
The data comes from Pirate Bay.