The Next Big Thing [RUS][1C] 2011 TRiViUM
2011-04-22 19:02:52 GMT
3.79 GiB (4074803246 Bytes)

The Next Big Thing [RUS][1C] 2011 TRiViUM

                T e a M  T R i V i U M   P r e s e n t S                 
                         The Next Big Thing (c) 1C                       
                  RELEASE DATE ................ : 04/2011             
                  RELEASE SiZE .................. : 1 rar             
                  PROTECTiON : ...... StarForce 5.70 + OA             
                               RELEASE NOTES                              
         The Next BIG Thing revisits with class and humour the        
         fantastic movie genre with a modern, funny adventure         
         packed with hints and references made to popular movies      
         and TV shows.                                                
         The story introduces the couple of charismatic heroes        
         Dan Murray and Liz Allaire involved in an incredible and     
         crazy adventure, full of twists and packed with moments      
         of pure comedy!                                              
         AN INTRICATE STORY                                           
          Follow Dan and Liz in a fantastic story loaded with         
          humour, twists and turns with many crazy mysteries,         
          puzzles and situations to solve                             
         A COLOURFUL CAST                                             
          Through the game, meet a cast of funny and charismatic      
          characters, including some of the most legendary            
          monsters and creatures from fantastic movies.               
         A UNIQUE GRAPHIC STYLE                                       
          Using the improved graphic engine used for the last         
          Runaway, The Next Big Thing boasts more precise             
          backgrounds, more detailed and colourful characters,        
          a new multi-lighting system and better shadow effects.      
          You can even play the game in HD as it is able to           
          display high resolution up to 1920 x 1080.                  
                               iNSTALL NOTES                              
                - Unpack                                               
                - Install the game                                    
                - Copy the cracked content from the TRiViUM folder    
                - Enjoy ;)                                            
                                GROUP NOTES                               
              Greetings to all our friends. U know who u are =)        
                        ASCii By CoaXCable/CoolPHat                   
                    NFO UPDATE 01/01/2009 * By: TRiViUM             

all the useful information in the file trivium.nfo and

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