Information about the film Title: Sanctum Released: 2011 Genre: Action, thriller, drama, adventure Director: Alister Grierson Cast: Richard Roxburgh, Joan Griffith, Rhys Wakefield, Alice Parkinson, Daniel Wyllie, Christopher Baker, Alison Kretchli, Kane Kramer, Andrew Hansen, John Garvin
About movie: Group of divers taking a very risky expedition into the largest system of caves on Earth - an incredibly beautiful and almost inaccessible. Unexpected tropical storm forces them to go down deep into the cave. The only salvation for the researchers - to find the unknown second outlet to the sea, breaking the violent element of the raging waters insidious trap dungeons and mortal terror ...
IMDB 5.7/10 (3,324 votes)
Issued: United States / Australia, Relativity Media Length: 1:48:49
File Format: MKV Quality: BDRip 720p Video: 5679 kb / s, 1280x720 Audio: English: DTS, 1510 kb / s (6 ch) Subtitles: No