Steyaert M. Analog Circuit Design. Low Voltage Low Power...2012
2022-10-08 14:08:28 GMT
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This book is part of the Analog Circuit Design series and contains contributions of the speakers of the 20th workshop on Advances in Analog Circuit Design (AACD), which was organized by KULeuven ESAT-MICAS. The workshop was held in Leuven, Belgium, from April 5 to April 7, 2011. I also would like to give my gratitude for the help to organize the workshop to Danielle Vermetten, Chris Mertens, Ben Geeraerts, Valentijn De Smedt and Hans Meyvaert. This book comprises three Parts, covering advanced analog and mixed-signal circuit design fields that are considered as very important by the circuit design community: Low-Voltage Low-Power Data converters Short Range Wireless Front-Ends Power Management and DC-DC Each Part is set up with six papers from experts in the field. The aim of the AACD workshop is to bring together a group of expert designers to discuss new developments and future options. Each workshop is then followed by the publication of a book by Springer in their successful series of Analog Circuit Design. This book is number 20 in this series. The books can be seen as a reference for all people involved in analog and mixed-signal design. The full list of the previous books and topics in the series is given next

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