The Woodsman 2010 Death Death Die! Red Dragons!
2011-02-01 08:19:15 GMT
Jason Ellis Ellis Mate Death Death Die Ellismate Red Dragons The Woodsman Woodsman Rawdog Taintstick Ninja Flying Eagles Joanna Angel Burning Angel Donald Schultz Wild Recon The Dingo Dingo Adventures

This is not the Kevin Bacon movie! I've only got a 128kbps upload so this may take a while, but super seeding is on.

One of the most retardedly fucked up movies ever, from the crew of the Jason Ellis show on Sirius/XM.

It's the story of group of teens going out to the Australian bush for a drug filled vacation, only to find out they are not alone...


Jason Ellis – Satellite radio host, former pro skater, amateur motocross and MMA fighter

Tony Hawk - Pro skater

Benji Madden of “Good Charlotte”

Donald Schultz of Animal Planet's "Wild Recon"

"The Dingo" of Fuel TV's “The Adventures Of Danny And The Dingo”

Josh "Rawdog" Richmond

Michael "Cow Fucker" Tully

Christian James Hand

Scott "Stench Bob" Green

Joanna Angel, Asphyxia and Skin of Burning Angel. So yes, it contains tits, so GTFO.

file is an uncompressed DVD .ISO image file, can be burned with Infra Recorder in Windows, Disk Utility on Mac OS X and K3B or Brasero in Linux. Alternatively you can play the .iso file directly with VLC on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux and it will work as if it was a real DVD.

Running Time 28:51 16:9 720x480 Includes Director's Cut and commentary tracks, does not include the Death Death Die album "Ninja Flying Eagles" If you want that pay for it on Amazon or iTMS, I've posted this because this DVD that was packaged with the hard copy of the album which they will not be releasing via online retailer.

I.E. Fuck off with your DMCA takedowns MPAA and RIAA.

Protip: Watch the regular cut before the Directors Cut as it's only for those who aren't feint of heart.

Gomagnet 2023.
The data comes from Pirate Bay.