Abraham Hicks - 2012 & Earths Future Compilation
2010-12-16 22:05:07 GMT
Abraham-Hicks Law of Attraction Art of Allowing Esther Jerry Abraham Hicks well-being Vibration Attention 2012 Earth future planet awaken environment destruct global warm survival compilation

Abraham-Hicks - 2012 & Earth's Future Compilation

EnJoy and Share - Please Seed

Because of the nature of this topic and the vast difference in the way Abraham is approaching the subject now as opposed to the early years in the 80's, these tracks have been arranged in the order that they were received from Abraham. There is at least one track (019 - Earth changes are neither new or unnatural) that gives an explanation as to why the approach is different. Bear in mind the earliest tracks (the first three) listed here are no longer being offered for sale at the Abraham-Hicks.com website. I still felt compelled to offer them in the compilation as part of the history in the evolution of this topic. Some may feel that it is not a "feel good" approach (although they do not feel bad to me). History vs. "feel good". Feel free to skip those tracks if so inclined.

This is not all of the 2012 or Earth's Future questions that Abraham has answered over the years of recorded material, but it is a good sampling and it has been numbered so that it can be added to easily in the future when other tracks are found that one would want to add.


001 - Experience A Joyous Survival 4.25 002 - Joyous Survival 43.42 003 - Joyous Survival 44.25 004 - What is happening with the re-alignment? 3.13 005 - Why so many dire warnings about the end of the world? 11.46 006 - Attitudes toward Planetary Realignment 13.18 007 - Where are we headed in the Universe right now? 3.47 008 - How can all be well when there is destruction? 8.26 009 - Is the year 2012 significant? 18.49 010 - Joyous survival, rice, beans, castles and buttons 7.29 011 - Where is the best place to live for joyous survival? 4.46 012 - Are we destroying our environment? 2.40 013 - The evolution of planetary diversity and upheaval 3.49 014 - Is the planet realigning? 2.48 015 - Will humans destroy the earth? 12.47 016 - Tsunamis, Hurricanes & Law Of Attraction 11.25 017 - Earth vs. our chemical wastes 4.58 018 - Is this a shift in Planetary Consciousness? 5.46 019 - Earth changes are neither new or unnatural 9.20 020 - Is mankind now at an infinite juncture? 2.01 021 - Balance Planet's environment 15.14 022 - Is Paradise possible on this planet? 3.42 023 - Can Earth's spinner deal with the temperature? 11.45 024 - Are 'Hard Times' Awaiting Us? 7.50 025 - Earth is now improving 9.36 026 - Can Earth cope with our growth? 11.13 027 - Any major significance in the year 2012? 4.21 028 - The point of doomsday stories 2.57 029 - What about 2012? 10.58 030 - Will the year 2012 bring significant shifting? 3.18 031 - Painful newscasts make her feel pain 2.31 032 - He is wanting to replace fossil fuels 13.20 033 - What is the current status of Earth's changes? 3.54 034 - Concern about Polar bears vs. dinosaurs 4.54 035 - Are homo sapiens still evolving positively? 8.11 036 - What's up with the Global Warming concept? 7.58 037 - Can Abraham peer into our future experience? 2.55 038 - Earth response to collective vibration energy 13.27 039 - Dreaming beyond mechanical or digital power 5.23 040 - Technology will always be growing forward 6.03 041 - Abraham is rooting for individual happiness 9.32 042 - Is Mass Consciousness attracting unwanted? 8.06 043 - Could population affect Earth's climate? 3.54 044 - Is there not a planetary climate problem? 3.15 045 - Do earthquake participants attract that? 14.25 046 - Earth on the brink of a paradigm shift 8.56 047 - How can he manifest Heaven on Earth? 2.49 048 - Will Florida home be flooded in 2012? 0.42 049 - To Nonphysical, is this planet special? 1.03 050 - What is his responsibility to Mother Earth? 9.00 051 - Things wont get worse on Planet Earth 7.18 052 - Abraham's rampage of appreciation for our planet 7.17 053 - Do not worry about your planet 1.26

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