All details----------
Movie Information:::::
Codec:::::::::::::::: XviD
Duration::::::::::::: 1HR 43MIN
Bitrate:::::::::::::: 936 Kbps
Width:::::::::::::::: 720
Height::::::::::::::: 480
Frame Rate::::::::::: 29.917 FPS
Size::::::::::::::::: 694MB
Language::::::::::::: English
Subtitles:::::::::::: None
Video Source::::::::: Found online
Codec:::::::::::::::: MP3
Bitrate:::::::::::::: 128
Frequency:::::::::::: 48Khz
Audio Source::::::::: Original
Release Notes:
Found this online with the help of some friends. This is in RAW form, did nothing to the video and the audio I re-synced because it was oos. I wanted to convert this and get it out, I know the video aint the best, but this is how I got it, so groups that want to do something to make this pretty here it is to play with. I will be shortly coming out with a v2 of this encode fixing any problems and uglyness it has. Enjoy //iNK
iNK is currently a free agent looking for work, if you got any audio problems on a release and would like iNK's audio touch, give me a email at: [email protected] or MSN add me.
PS: If you need this audio track sent directly to you for your encode, contact me.
New IRC Channel:
(Open to public and most important, my friends who like to get iNK audio for there releases)
IRC: /s /j #ink
Greets To::::::::::::::
iMAGiNE, Rx, Noir, THC, TOXiC, ViSiON, MAGNET, CM8 (Yeah I still love ya), LEGiON, aXXo and all
those who help make all this possible.
Looking for::::::::::::::
Any English Audio, CAM's, DVD Street Silver, DVDScreeners, Screeners..Anything else?
Contact us at [email protected]
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