Title: Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions
Genre: Action
Platform: Nintendo Wii
Region: PAL
File Type: WBFS
Scrubbed: Yes (Game Partition Only)
About this game: Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions blends together the many alternate universes of the world-famous webslinger with four unique takes on Spider-Man's history in comics. In the game, Spider-Man attempts to retrieve a piece of a tablet that's been scattered across multiple parallel dimensions, and in doing so he crosses over to storylines famous to comic book aficionados as variant tellings (including The Amazing Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Man Noir & Ultimate Spider-Man) of the Spider-Man mythology.
NOTE: To play this game you need a chipped or soft modded Wii.
To install & play off disc:
- Download Wii Backup Manager -> https://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=188295
- Use Wii Backup Manager to convert .wbfs file to an .iso file
- Burn .iso to DVD-R (lowest speed)
- Enjoy!
To install & play off WBFS Partition on USB Drive or SD card:
- Download Wii Backup Manager -> https://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=188295
- Use Wii Backup Manager to add .wbfs file to your partition.
- Enjoy!
To install & play off FAT32/NTFS Partition on USB Drive or SD card:
- Download and install Configurable USB Loader -> https://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=147638
- Create a WBFS folder in the root of your FAT32/NTFS Partition.
- Copy the torrent download into the WBFS folder
- Use Configurable USB Loader to play
- Enjoy!
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