2010-08-06 20:34:35 GMT
Gayniggers From Outer Digitally Remastered

In the singularly titled "Gayniggers From Outer Space," Cpt. B. Dick and his crew of gay crusaders from the planet Anus, a member in good standing of the Federation of Gay Planets, happen upon a remote and primitive world called Earth, whose surface is inexplicably covered with dangerous "female creatures." Anything at all could be going on down there, perhaps even the dreaded "kissing" our heroes have read about! For the sake of Earth's men, the Gayniggers decide to dispose of the female creatures and show the planet the error of its ways.

This isn't a comedy as you would usually expect to find one; you can't sit down alone and expect to be entertained much by it. This is the sort of thing that you need to get a few friends together for (preferably numbering no female creatures among them), so you can all sit around and laugh at the sheer absurdity of it all: at the pocket-change sets and special effects, at the ship computer's Speak&Spell voice, at the impossible characters, and of course, simply at the fact that someone actually created a film called "Gayniggers From Outer Space."

Interleave (in ms): 42
Preload (in ms): 522
Audio alignment("split across interleaves"): Split
Total System Bitrate (kbps): 0
Bytes Missing (if any): 0
Number of Audio Streams: 1

--- Video Information ---
Video Codec Type(e.g. "DIV3"): XVID
Video Codec Name(e.g. "DivX 3, Low-Motion"): XviD 1.0.0
Duration (hh:mm:ss): 27:38.852
Frame Count: 39773
Frame Width (pixels): 448
Frame Height (pixels): 240
Storage Aspect Ratio("SAR")" 1.867
Pixel Aspect Ratio ("PAR"): 1.000
Display Aspect Ratio ("DAR"): 1.867
Frames Per Second: 23.976
Pics Per Second: 23.976
Video Bitrate (kbps): 525
MPEG-4 ("MPEG-4" or ""): MPEG-4
B-VOP ("B-VOP" or ""): B-VOP
Quality Factor (bits/pixel)/frame: 0.204"

--- Audio Information ---
MPEG Stream ID (e.g. "0xbd"):
MPEG VOB file Substream(e.g. "0x80"):
Audio Codec (e.g. "AC3"): 0x0055 MPEG-1 Layer 3
Audio Codec Status (e.g. "Codec Is Installed"): Codec(s) are Installed
Audio Sample Rate (Hz): 44100
Audio Bitrate(kbps): 112
Audio Bitrate Type ("CBR" or "VBR"): CBR
Audio Channel Count (e.g. "2" for stereo): 1
Preload (in ms): 504
Audio alignment("split across interleaves"): Aligned
Total System Bitrate (kbps): 0
Bytes Missing (if any): 0
Number of Audio Streams: 1

Gomagnet 2023.
The data comes from Pirate Bay.