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R e l e a s e T i t l e
Sex And The City 2 2010 READNFO V2 DVDRip XviD AC3-KiNGDOM (Kingdom-Release
[ Releaser Name ] ..... DiNGiE
[ Info URL ] ..... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1261945/
[ Release Name ] ..... Sex And The City 2 2010 READNFO DVDRip XviD AC3-KiNGDOM
[ Release Type ] ..... XviD
[ Release Size ] ..... 1.37 GB
R e l e a s e I n f o
The source had Hardcoded Swedish Subs throughout, I would of blurred it but decided
to crop the subs as they were hard on the eyes. Its still better than whats out IMO.
Take it or leave it
KingBen, tiato, DiNGiE - All of Kingdom & UKB, STG, IMAGiNE, The GRiM, KK, paulx1, HDLiTE, Ho's, QC and all else I Respect, you know who yall are, R.I.P. SecretMyth.
if you want a seedbox I recommend seedboxsolutions.com
We are looking for early access to anything you can provide
CAMS ,TS ,DVD screeners ,VHS screeners ,DvD Rips ,Direct Audio
early music releases contact us @ [email protected]
fffffffffffffffNFO by KingBenfffffffffffffffff