2010-07-26 23:45:59 GMT


Movie name ................: AVATAR File Container ............: MP4 Video Source ..............: BLURAY MPEG4 Video Format ..............: MPEG4 AVC HIGH PROFILE LEVEL 3.1 Video Aspect Ratio ........: 16:9 Video Attributes ..........: 23.976 fps 1280x720 @ 1842 kbit/s Video Commpresion Technique: Quality Enhancer Bitrate Squeezer 2.2 Video quality .............: FASMastic Video colour matrix .......: BT.709-5 Audio Source ..............: BluRay - DTS HD MA core 5.1 Audio Format ..............: AAC HE Audio Attributes ..........: 144 kbit/s 5.1 Audio Quality .............: FASMastic Audio Language ............: English Subtitles .................: Navi parts English hardcoded, Polish (external) File size .................: 2.4GB Lenght ....................: 2:41:41 DXVA Compatible ...........: YES FAT32 Compatible ..........: YES PS3 Compatible ............: YES XBOX360 Compatible ........: YES (read below) WWW Streamable ............: YES Standalone players ........: Limited to h264 compatible devices only Sample Video...............: Included Movie info.................: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0499549/

Plot: When his brother is killed in a robbery, paraplegic Marine Jake Sully decides to take his place in a mission on the distant world of Pandora. There he learns of greedy corporate figurehead Parker Selfridge's intentions of driving off the native humanoid "Na'vi" in order to mine for the precious material scattered throughout their rich woodland. In exchange for the spinal surgery that will fix his legs, Jake gathers intel for the cooperating military unit spearheaded by gung-ho Colonel Quaritch, while simultaneously attempting to infiltrate the Na'vi people with the use of an "avatar" identity. While Jake begins to bond with the native tribe and quickly falls in love with the beautiful alien Neytiri, the restless Colonel moves forward with his ruthless extermination tactics, forcing the soldier to take a stand - and fight back in an epic battle for the fate of Pandora.

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This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image.

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Uploader note: English Subtitles for NAVI parts are hardcoded. This version is another lowbitrate experiment. eBDRIP - Enhanced Bluray Disk Rip means the release where encoder intentionally enhance the quality of the source to have quality better than Bluray itself.

Regards to all encoders especially Big thanx to Atom, FLAWL3SS and FraMeSToR crew. Also big thank you to Filix

  1. UNFINISHED movies HAVE synchro problemms. This is the nature of highly commpressed content. Also there seems to be the problemm with Haali Media Splitter. If you are using Media Player Classic please make sure you have enabled INTERNAL FILTER for MP4.
  2. Please COMMENT my work ONLY if you actually seen it. If you HAVE LIKED this release tell others about it. If you dont tell it too but dont forget to tell why, so I could learn from your opinion providing you something better in the future .
  3. I can confirm the xbox360 will play it through WINDOWS media center extender. Read this forum http://www.avforums.com/forums/streamers-network-media-players/1107552-what-xbox-360-like-media-extender.html
  4. My releases are different than anybody else, so they SHOULD NOT be compared to any existing scene rules. I belive if there are different rules for Telecine and for DVDRip there can be also different rule for FASM QEBS releases. If the scene will overregulate itself, prohibiting new ideas to come it will soon become like our goverments.
  5. If you like the movie, gratitude the creators by going to cinema, buying Bluray/DVD or any other possible way.
  6. The movies can be directly streamable throught WWW, by Adobe Flash Player version 9 or higher.
  7. The name FASM was derived from assembler efficiency. If you write something directly in assembler it is usually much faster and takes much less size, than the same thing written in C, Java etc... It also means FAchman SoofMan
  • founders of FASM
  1. FASM Quality Enhancer Bitrate Squeezer is the h264 commpression method optimised directly for lowbitrate HD contents. It is constantly being improved , each revision bringing quality to a new level. Its efficiency over standard x264 encoding is explained by the same reason XVID encodes are better than DIVX3.
  2. FASM recommends IMGBURN for burning those files into DVD. 10.Any subtitles made for different releases, but taken from the same source (Bluray Rip) should also work with this release.
Gomagnet 2023.
The data comes from Pirate Bay.