The Italian Job[2003]Eng.Swesub.DvDrip.XviD.NeRoZ
2010-07-03 10:00:11 GMT
neroz dvdrip xvid avi action swesub svensk text svens svenska 2003

Director: F. Gary Gray

Writer: Troy Kennedy-Martin

       Donna Powers 

Genre: Action,crime, thriller

Runtime: 111min

Language: English

Subtitles: Swedish [Hard Encoded] [Inbränd Svensk text]

Cover: No

Label: No

Source: DvD

Picture: 640*320

Audio: 112kbps


The plan was flawless... the job was executed perfectly... the escape was clean. The only threat mastermind thief Charlie Croker never saw coming was a member of his own crew. After pulling off an amazing gold bullion heist from a heavily guarded palazzo in Venice, Italy, Charlie and his gang -- inside man Steve, computer genius Lyle, wheelman handsome Rob, explosives expert Left-Ear and veteran safecracker John Bridger - can't believe when one of them turns out to be a double-crosser. Enter Stella, a beautiful nerves-of-steel safecracker, who joins Charlie and his former gang when they follow the backstabber to California, where they plan to re-steal the gold by tapping into Los Angeles' traffic control system, manipulating signals and creating one of the biggest traffic jams in LA history. Now the job isn't the payoff, it's about payback.


Efter en misslyckad kupp i Venedig, då de förlorade bytet pga av en förrädare, så ska gänget nu återta bytet genom att skapa ett aldrig förr skådat trafikkaos i Los Angeles. Baserad på filmen med samma namn från 1969.


    Mark Wahlberg	 ... 	Charlie Croker
Charlize Theron	... 	Stella Bridger
Donald Sutherland	... 	John Bridger
Jason Statham	... 	Handsome Rob
Seth Green	... 	Lyle
Mos Def	... 	Left Ear
Edward Norton	... 	Steve
Fausto Callegarini	... 	Italian Guard
Stefano Petronelli	... 	Garbageman / Thug
Fabio Scarpa	... 	Garbageman / Thug
Cristiano Bonora	... 	Garbageman / Thug
Tiberio Greco	... 	Garbageman / Thug
Jimmy Shubert	... 	First Detective
Tammi Cubilette	... 	Second Detective
Mary Portser	... 	Stella's Receptionist                          

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